2011年7月19日 星期二

英文文章翻譯:Europe's Economic Problems Linked to Rise in Suicides



A study says more people are killing themselves in Greece and other countries affected by economic troubles in Europe. David Stuckler, a sociologist at Britain’s University of Cambridge, co-wrote the report.

       最近一項調查顯示,在希臘與歐洲其他國家有越來越多的民眾因為經濟因素而自殺。英國劍橋大學的社會學家David Stuckler針對此情形寫了一份統計報告。

DAVID STUCKLER: "For the most part, the countries that have been more severely affected have experienced greater rises in suicides -- Ireland, Spain, the Baltics -- reaching up to sixteen percent in some of the worst affected countries, like Greece.”

DAVID STUCKLER:「在許多情況下,高成長的自殺率將會嚴重的衝擊國家體系,像是愛爾蘭、西班牙和波羅的海諸國都已經面臨這些問題,有些國家的自殺率甚至已經成長到百分之十六的比例,例如希臘」。

Suicide rates in Europe had been decreasing. But then the international banking crisis hit in two thousand eight. The study looked at reports from ten European countries from two thousand seven and two thousand nine. Nine of the ten countries had a five percent increase in suicide rates between two thousand seven and two thousand nine. In Ireland the increase was thirteen percent.


The study found that suicide rates have not increased in countries where governments have helped get people back to work. Examples include Sweden and Finland.


DAVUD STUCKLER: “We found that just giving money to people who have lost jobs to replace their income did not appear to help. Instead, giving people a reason to get out of bed in the morning, a hope in terms of searching for a good, meaningful job seemed to be the most beneficial to helping people cope.”

DAVID STUCKLER:「我們發現給予失業補助金的方式對於失業人士並沒有太大的幫助,相對的,給予他們再次找到好工作的機會以及東山再起的希望,才是對失業者最有效益的方法」。

The findings appeared last week in the Lancet medical journal.


Greece is suffering the costs of a huge public deficit. For over a year, the government has cut spending and increased taxes in an effort to improve its finances.


Pavlos Tsimas is a journalist based in Greece. He recently made a documentary about the increase in suicides.

Pavlos Tsimas是一位希臘的新聞記者,他最近製作了一份有關自殺成長個案的紀錄片。

PAVLOS TSIMAS: "We investigated the case of a small businessman from Herakleion in Crete, who took his car, loaded it with tins of petrol, and first shot himself and then put fire to the whole car."

PAVLOS TSIMAS:「我們做了一項研究調查,對象是一位在克里特島Herakleion地區的商人,他在他加滿汽油的車子,先以手槍射擊自己,然後再縱火燒車的方式將自己燒死於車子內」。

Pavlos Tsimas says some people commit suicide in a public way, like the businessman in Crete.

PAVLOS TSIMAS表示有些人會以這種公開行為方式自殺,就像這位克里特島的商人一樣。

PAVLOS TSIMAS: "We found out that people killed themselves in a very dramatic and sometimes a very violent way, which maybe means that they are trying to make their suicide a statement, want the whole world to understand how badly they feel, how hopeless they have felt."

PAVLOS TSIMAS:「我們發現人們自殺的方式千奇百怪,有很平和或是殘酷的自殺方式,這可能代表他們是要以自殺來做一種意義的傳達,他們希望讓世人知道他們所承受的痛苦與絕望感」。

He says Greeks who kill themselves are mostly men. And he says the number has gone up most on the island of Crete.


PAVLOS TSIMAS: " ... where social and family life is more traditional, more patriarchic. The father of the family has to be respected as a figure of great strength. And when the economic problems arise, when jobs are lost and businesses are closed down, it is this despair because of the loss of respect, the loss of self-esteem, and the fact that the person feels that his life no longer has meaning, that drives them to this kind of act."

PAVLOS TSIMAS:「家庭與社會生活是非常傳統與制式的,身為一家之主的男性,擔當父親角色的他們就必須成為家庭的支柱。因此當經濟問、失業問題與工作問題來臨時,對於他們而言因為失去了活著的尊嚴而感到絕望,而當他們因此而感覺活著以沒有任何意義時,就會導致他們以自殺方式結束自己的性命」。


1.     affected (adj.) 受到影響的
2.     Baltics (n.) 波羅的海諸國
3.     journal (n.) 期刊
4.     deficit (n.) 赤字
5.     spending (n.) 開銷
6.     investigate (vt.) 調查
7.     tin (n.) 罐頭
8.     petrol (n.) 汽油(英式用法)
9.     figure (n.) 風姿、體態
10. strength (n.) 力量

