2011年7月13日 星期三

英文文章翻譯:Apple's Lion Is Latest to Join Download-Only Trend in Software

Steve Jobs在今年的WWC大會發表了新型作業系統與雲端服務

     今天的文章是關於偉大邪惡帝國Apple,話說因為版主是個窮學生,窮到在這個iOSAndriod廝殺火熱、一堆22K和阿宅人手一台iphoneHTC的年代,我只能默默的看著我手裡那台Windows Mobile 6.1的手機以及我Pentium M等級的Linux筆電嘆氣,好啦,這不是重點,由於版主好歹也是工科人,基於對蘋果這種令人愛恨交加的產品的好奇心,在有經濟能力買一台來把玩前多少要給它了解一下,這次就選了一篇和蘋果公司產品有關的文章來翻譯,文章如下,希望明年的這個時候有機會來寫一篇apple產品的開箱文:

Apple's new version of its desktop operating system for Mac computers is called Mac OS X Lion. Apple says this latest OS X upgrade has over two hundred new features. But one big difference is how the company will sell it. The release(1) is download-only.

    蘋果電腦最新的麥金塔桌上型電腦作業系統稱為Mac OS X Lion(代號獅子),蘋果表示這項新系統有200多種的新功能,而與之前的作業系統最大的差別在於銷售的方式,蘋果表示這項新版本系統的釋出只提供網路下載。

Apple says Lion is coming to its App Store in July. The price is twenty-nine dollars and ninety-nine cents. Users without the current version, Snow Leopard, will have to pay an extra thirty dollars to download the new release. Last year, Apple had more than five hundred million dollars in sales of its desktop operating system. Experts say download-only software is getting more common.

    蘋果表示代號LionOS將於七月在自家的App Store販售,價格為29.99美元,若是使用舊型的作業系統如代號Snow Leopard(雲豹)的版本,則需要給付額外的30美元來下載新釋出的Lion版本OS,去年蘋果的賣出的作業系統總值超過5億美金,專家們表示以網路下載管道取得軟體的方式將會越來越普遍。

Dave Wolf is Vice President for Strategy(2) at Cynergy Systems in Washington. His company helps software designers to develop and market products. He says the computer that many people use most is their mobile phone.

        David Wolf是位於華盛頓的Cynergy Systems公司的策略研究部門副總裁,他的公司是幫助軟體開發者開法與行銷其產品,他認為目前最多人在使用的「電腦產品」就是行動電話了。

People who download apps to smartphones have come to expect(3) quick and easy software updates. Now, Dave Wolf says phones are shaping expectations for other computers.
DAVE WOLF: "I think this is a case where we’re seeing the same consumer demand, say, in a phone market moving to the desktop and the same consumer demand moving into work in the enterprise."

    利用智慧型手機下載應用程式的人們都期盼能有快速且容易上手的軟體更新服務,David Wolf表示手機成為了新世代具有電腦功能的裝置。
David Wolf:「我認為目前所面臨的情形正是相同的消費者需求轉變,也就是說,使用者對於手機的需求轉變成像桌上型電腦般這種能夠自由安裝第三方軟體的開放裝置,同時也要能夠適用於企業工作上」

Downloadable programs mean fewer trips to stores to buy software. But that can also mean fewer sales for stores that depend on physical products, including most video games. And not everyone has a high-speed Internet connection to make downloads quick and easy. But Dave Wolf says the cost savings are a big help to small businesses trying to reach a wide market.

    程式和軟體的可下載功能代表購買軟體能夠不限於在實體店家購買,但是這也造成仰賴實體產品販售的店家的產品販售度降低,例如電玩遊戲等。而且就某些情形來看,並不是每位使用者都能擁有高速的網路連接性以享受良好且快速的下載品質,不過Dave Wolf認為以上方式能夠幫助中小企業降低開發成本而提升其產品市占率。

DAVE WOLF: "I think it’s a boon to small software companies and entrepreneurs(4) who have incredible ideas and want to get them out to market.”

        David Wolf:「我認為對於擁有創新點子與想要開創新市場的中小公司與其企業人士而言,這種軟體下載機制是種再好不過的關鍵契機了」

He says the Internet radio service Pandora, for example, can offer free music because it has no costs of selling discs in stores. This week Pandora began selling shares of stock(5) to the public.


Next to go may be software stored on individual(6) computers. Many companies are moving to cloud computing. The idea is to save money by storing software on somebody else's servers in large data centers.


This way lets people can easily access their music library or other applications from any device. This is not the case for users of Apple's iTunes. Now Apple thinks it has a solution with a cloud-computing service called iCloud.


And Microsoft has developed Windows Azure. This platform is for businesses and software developers to use Internet-based applications.

    而微軟開發了一款名為Windows Azure的雲端運算系統,這個平台是提供給企業和軟體開發者來使用網路相關的應用程式。

